Apologies, but we are having to postpone the first event of 2025 by a week! Join us at the Rhodes Skate Park downtown on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Returning to normal starting time at 10:00 a.m. Event will happen no matter how cold the temperature but will be postponed if there is snow on the ground hiding the litter. Please sign up and join us! Feel welcome to attend and help even if the free Eventbrite tickets are sold out. This part of town always has a lot of litter and trash and your efforts make a great difference. Thanks so much and see you there!


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Trash Club is a Boise, Idaho based nonprofit with the mission of keeping the Treasure Valley litter-free.

As of January, 2025, many, many volunteers have picked up an estimated…

10,000 pounds of litter

…throughout The Treasure Valley. We hope

you join us at a future event!

We believe that the best way to eliminate litter is by example.

Through our programs, Trash Club not only provides a simple, yet meaningful way for individuals, families, and organizations to give back to our community, but we are actively setting an example that litter is not welcome in the Treasure Valley. Please join us at one of our upcoming clean-ups.

Support Us

The best way to support Trash Club is to pick up litter when you see it!

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Whatever the reasons are, it’s valuable. It feels valuable. And sometimes when it can feel thankless – as it sometimes might – remember that it’s valuable to the community. And remind yourself that if the community was watching every time you bent over to pick up a cigarette butt, you can bet they’d be thinking, “they must be a really good person,” and they’d be right.

-Trash Club Volunteer